In July 2019, ASOR launched the Running Rumor Mill in which we updated every time there were credible rumors we heard that weren’t yet verified. It is a feature exclusively for ASOR Club members and has proven to be one of our most popular articles each and every year since it launched.

In 2021, there were 47 rumors posted to the rumor mill, the majority of which became fact. Some of the news that first broke in the ASOR Rumor Mill this past year included Liberty joining Conference USA, Kaidon Salter transferring to Liberty, and Liberty defensive coordinator Scott Symons and corners coach Rickey Hunley leaving the program. Since launching in 2019, there have been nearly 150 rumors which have been posted to the rumor mill.

Today, we have launched the Rumor Mill 2.0! There won’t be a lot of changes to the rumor mill, it just allows us to have a fresh start in the new year as the previous rumor mill became very long and difficult for us to manage on the back end.

If you haven’t become an ASOR Club member yet, you can get full access to all of ASOR’s content, including the Rumor Mill, for as low as $10 per month.